Mosaic Covenant (Torah/Law)
This by far is the most misunderstood Covenant out
of the seven. The false assumption is that this Covenant was temporal until the
advent of the “New” Covenant initiated by Christ and that it was only for
Israel, Abraham’s descendants and that the Gentiles are exempt and not
obligated to participate or keep this Covenant. Many go so far as to say it has
been done away with and annulled by the coming of Jesus Christ.
The Stipulations of this covenant is found all
throughout the five books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and
Deuteronomy. But the blessings and curses for obeying or disobeying the
Covenant is found in Deut. 27-28.
For a fuller understanding of the details of this
particular Covenant, please see my “Get Back to the First Century” series of
blog posts.
Gen. 2:16-17, 3:8, 15. Rev. 14:12. It began with
guarding and obeying God’s Torah (Law/Instructions) and keeping the Faith with
and in Messiah Yeshua and so it will end. Continuous from beginning to end the
Law has not been done away with.
As we can see, the Mosaic Covenant (The Law) is an
eternal conditional Covenant for Jew and Gentile, applicable for all believers
in Messiah Yeshua and a very important one in the line of the Seven Biblical