Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Holidays; Holy and Pagan: Man's Calendar

God’s Calendar vs. Man’s Calendar

Back in the 1990’s you’d see business men with black leather books that looked like Bibles, and essentially it was their bible, it was their “Day-Timer” or “Day-Runner,” it was their calendar. It organized their life and set their days and weeks, filled with appointments, meetings and tasks. It basically dictated, controlled and managed their work life. Many also had large desk calendars on their desk before them where they could instantly “pencil” someone in as they were talking on the phone. Today all that is on their smart phone or tablet.

Ever wonder if God has a Calendar? Does he have a “Day-Runner” booked with meetings, dates and appointments? If so, can we see it? Can we know it? Can we even be a part of it? Can we be “penciled” in to one of His appointments?

In short, Yes He does. But we have to go back to Genesis to see how God’s calendar is set up and how He reckons time.

ADONAI gave names to all the days of the week in Genesis 1-2.  They are day 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and Shabbat. Today, in Hebrew, the days of the week are: Rishon, Sheni, Shlishi, R’vi’i, Chamishi, Shishi, Shabbat. The week started on the day we call Sunday and ended on Sabbath, the day we in the western world call Saturday. He also deemed a day from sundown to sundown and not midnight to midnight. “There was evening there was morning, the first day.”
“It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even (from evening to evening), shall ye celebrate your sabbath.” – Lev. 23:32

The Hebraic months were originally numbered also but eventually received names.

If one looks into the matter one will see that even the Hebrew calendar was not spared from having names associated with pagan deities bled into them.

Rabbi Menachem Posner gives us an explanation for this:

“In the pre-Babylonian era, we find in the Scriptures only four months on the calendar that are identified by name:
The first month (Nissan): Aviv
The second month (Iyar): Ziv
The seventh month (Tishrei): Eitanim
The eighth month (Cheshvan): Bul
The other months were just known by their place in the calendar—e.g., third month, fourth month—starting from the first month: first by virtue of the fact that it is the month when our nation left Egypt, the month when we became a nation.
(Apparently, even the four months that had names were more often than not referred to by their numeric place on the calendar, with the names serving as secondary titles accompanying their numbers.)
The Jerusalem Talmud tells us that the modern names of the months “came up [to Israel] with [the returnees] from Babylon,” at the onset of the second Jewish commonwealth, approximately 350 BCE.
So, why did we begin to use these names? Why didn’t we stick with the biblical practice of referring to months by their number?
Nachmanides suggests that this is consistent with Jeremiah’s prophecy: “Therefore, behold days are coming, says G‑d, and it shall no longer be said [by one who wishes to pronounce an oath], ‘As G‑d lives, who brought up the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ but rather, ‘As G‑d lives, who brought up the children of Israel from the north land [Babylon] . . .’”
The original system was to count months in numeric order, starting from Nissan. Thus, any time a person mentioned a month, he was in effect recalling the exodus from Egypt: we are in, say, the sixth month—six months since the month of the Exodus. Thus, the numeric naming served as a constant reminder of our deliverance from Egypt.
After we were delivered from Babylonian captivity, however, we started using the names that we became used to using in Babylon. And now, these names served to remind us that G‑d has redeemed us from this second exile.”

A Rabbi at Aish.com weighs in regarding the various names used for the Hebrew months throughout the centuries:

“If you look in the Bible, you'll see that the Hebrew months don't have names. Rather they have numbers, counting from the month of Nissan, which is described as "the first month" (Exodus 12:2).
In 1-Kings 6:2 the month of Iyar is referred to as the "month of Ziv." The word "ziv" is an adjective and means "radiance." Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov explains that it is called "radiance" because in this month the sun is in full radiance. Similarly, the Jewish people came into full radiance in this month, for they were made ready to receive the Torah during this month.
1-Kings 6:38 refers to the month of Cheshvan as "the month Bul," related to the word "baleh" which means, "withers," and the word "bolelin" which means "mixed." It is described in this fashion since the grass withers in this month, and the grain is mixed for the household livestock. The Radak explains that the word "bul" is related to "yevul" which means produce, since plowing and planting begins in this month.
Other names we use today are Babylonian in origin, adapted by the Jews some time during the Babylonian Exile, circa 400 CE. Ironically, the month of Tammuz is the name of an idol which appeared (via optical illusion) as if it was crying. This was achieved by putting soft lead into its eyes, and by kindling a small fire inside, which would melt the lead. This explains the reference in Ezekiel 8:14: "There were women sitting, causing the Tammuz to cry."
There are other opinions about the name of this month. Rashi says that the name Tammuz is an Aramaic word meaning "heat," since it is a hot summer month… Even though the names of the months are linguistically speaking Babylonian, they were adopted by the Jews with the understanding that they were Divinely inspired names, and are laden with kabbalistic nuances. Based on this, the Sages expounded the names of the months - e.g. Elul is an acronym for "ani ledodi vedodi li" (I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me”), and Nisan is the month of "nissim" (miracles).”

The months of the year and the days of the week that we go by in the Western World have been named after pagan deities.

Corresponds To:
The sun, in honor of the sun god.
The moon, in honor of the moon god.
The planet Mars, in honor of the god Mars, the god of war. The Saxons named this day after their god Tiw and called it Tiw's day. "Tuesday" comes from the name of this Saxon god.
The planet Mercury, later named in honor of the Teutonic god Wedn or Woden, known also as Odin.
The planet Jupiter, later named in honor of the Teutonic god Thor.
The planet Venus, later named in honor of the Teutonic goddess Frigg or Freia, wife of Woden/Odin.
The planet Saturn, in honor of the Roman god Saturn.

From the Latin:
Januarius, in honor of the two faced Roman god Janus.
Februarius, in honor of the Roman festival of general expiation and purification.
Martius, in honor of the Roman god of war, Mars.
Aprilis, which was derived from aperio, a Latin verb meaning to open. The month is so called because it is the month when the earth opens to produce new fruits.
Maius, in honor of the Greek goddess Maia.
Junius, in honor of the Roman goddess Juno.
Julius, in honor of Roman emperor Julius Caesar.
Augustus, in honor of Roman emperor Augustus Caesar. The Caesars believed themselves to be and were seen as demi-gods.

The rest of the months—September, October, November, December—are derived from the Latin words for the numerals 7, 8, 9, and 10. They were the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months of the old Roman calendar before July and August were inserted ahead of them.

Satan knows how to deceive and weasel his way into the masses. He knows how to sabotage and daily and monthly attempts to divert our acknowledgement and praise to the One True God; YHWH.

“Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.” – Psa. 16:4

Kind of odd how secular man reckons time, compared to how God reckons time, we see it’s basically totally the opposite.

God’s Time

·       The day starts and ends at sundown.
·       The week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
·       The days of the week are numbered 1-6.
·       The months start in the Spring
·       Lunar based calendar
Man’s Time

·       The day starts and ends at midnight.
·       The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday.
·       The days of the week are named after pagan gods.
·       The months start in the Winter
·       Solar based calendar

Satan is the great counterfeiter, he always tries to imitate God, yet at the same time, does the opposite of Him. Satan even goes so far to have a false Messiah, an anti (another/against) Messiah!

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” – Dan. 7:25

“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” – I John 2:18

So basically, satan will, has and will continue to, set up leaders (false/anti-Messiah’s) that will do away with God’s Divine Laws (Torah) and change His Divine Calendar (Lev. 23). This has happened in secular society by the advent of the various and now current Gregorian calendar, as well as in the realm of religion, for Christianity by and large, ignores God’s Torah (Laws) and goes by the Gregorian calendar and its holidays and leaving the Feasts of the LORD by the wayside.

Let take a quick peek into God’s calendar. What dates does He have marked on it and for what purpose? In Hebrew, the dates God marks off for a special observance and or celebration are called the “Moedim,” meaning, the “Appointed Times.” It’s likened to God setting at date, a romantic date. So who is God going to go out with to meet? His People, not just Israel, but anyone who has but their faith, trust, allegiance and worship in the God of Israel and His Messiah. After all are we not called His Bride? If so, then these Moedim are the dates in which He wants to take us out on to spend time with us and bless us.  Have you ever been stood up on a date, waiting for hours at a restaurant only to have your date be a no show? How did that make you feel? We are created in God’s image, so God has emotions too. How do you think God feels after setting up a date, promising to meet His Beloved on a particular day and time only to have His Beloved be a no show, but instead they show up and attend parties set up by their ex-lover? This is how it is when we forgo the Feasts of the LORD and instead celebrate holidays with pagan origins.