Monday, April 9, 2018

Ponderings of the Perkei Avot 1:10

RaYBaSH’s Ponderings of the Perkei Avot
Chapter 1:10
By:Yehudah ben Shomeyr

Shmaayah and Avtalyon received from them. Shmaayah would say: Love work, loath mastery over others, and avoid intimacy with the government.”

Loving work keeps one from idleness and sin. Loathing mastery over others, in other words, hating being in charge keeps one humble and far from pride and thus sin and mistreating others.

Now maybe one reason it says:

“…and avoid intimacy with the government.”

Because the Sadducees did and it corrupted the Priesthood and Temple Mount.

“…and avoid intimacy with the government.”

Lest you learn their ways and you become corrupt like them, or they learn your ways and find ways to trap and control you.

“…and avoid intimacy with the government.”

Lest they regulate your faith and church and eventually tell you what to teach or else.

Maybe this is why Yeshua said:

Mat. 22:21 “…Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”

Mark 12:17 adds, “And they marveled at him.”

So when in Diaspora, I am for separation of Church and State!

Only in Israel, when Messiah comes will “Church and State” be properly merged. 

-- Yehudah ben Shomeyr