Tuesday, September 20, 2011


R. Yehudah ben Shomeyr

Psalm. 51:12-13 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

As I was praying Psalm 51 one morning verses 12 and 13 jumped put at me, I thought, “There is a formula here.”


Joy in Hebrew is Simcha, made up of the three Hebrew letters Shin, Mem and Chet. These letters, if moved around spell other Hebrew words and give us another amazing formula.

To have JOY or SIMCHA:
Chet, Mem, Shin = CHUMASH (Means “FIVE” in Hebrew and is used to refer to “TORAH” which is made up of the “FIVE” books of Moses)
Mem, Shin, Chet = MOSHIACH (Messiah)
To have true SIMCHA:
No one will want to obey the very Words of Life, the Torah that we so cherish, which comes from the Living Word, the Living Torah Himself; YESHUA if we do not have JOY!
JOY is the KEY to ministering and witnessing to others. JOY is the KEY to winning others over to MESSIAH and THE WAY of TORAH.

Prov. 11:30b …he that winneth souls is wise.

Therefore there is WISDOM in JOY! What is the WISDOM?

Psalm. 51:12-13 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

The restoration of JOY in SALVATION which the Hebrew word for SALVATION is YESHUA! So to have JOY (SIMCHA) in the TORAH (CHUMASH) we must have JOY (SIMCHA) in following the TORAH (CHUMASH) in the footsteps of MESSIAH (MOSHIACH) as we personally relate to HIM in our walk! When we do this, we will turn into a “sinner magnet” if you will. This is what YESHUA meant when He said to His talmidim (disciples)…

Mark 1:17 And Yeshua said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

Mankind will be lured to us like fish to bait due to our JOY (SIMCHA) in walking in His (MOSHIACH’S) footsteps by walking TORAH.
When people see the CHUMASH is a blessing to keep and not a burden, because they witness the SIMCHA we have in it, they will come and want what we have in MOSHIACH!
Are you like the congregation at Ephesus? Has your walk in MESSIAH and TORAH lost its pizzazz and luster?

Rev 2:4-5   Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

What are the “first works”? It’s the zealousness one had when they first began personally relating to G-d through MESSIAH by pleasing Him by keeping the Commandments of TORAH (John 14:15)! TORAH is like doing the things that use to make us swoon over our lover, TORAH is like courting our lover all over again. It is like a married couple that got caught in a rut and they begin to date each other again and regain that spark of first love they had for one another when they first met.

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

YESHUA and the FATHER are ONE (John 17) and so Yeshua’s Commandments are no different from and are the exact same as His FATHER’S. After all the TORAH and MESSIAH are One and inseparable. You cannot have one without the other. One is the Written Manifestation the other is the Living Manifestation.

You want your friends, family and strangers to observe the Torah? Do it with SIMCHA in MOSHIACH’S footsteps, and do not bludgeon them over the head with it with an angry scowl on your face, and eventually they will come! Make others jealous of the JOY you have in relating to MESSIAH and G-D through the TORAH (Rom. 11:11).